Our Story
Cumbria-based Yoga Teacher, Caroline (Caroline does Yoga) was inspired by pictures of yoga mats filling public spaces to celebrate
International Yoga Day around the world and wanted to bring the phenomenon to Carlisle.
I saw a photo of over 30,000 mats in Times Square and even more in public spaces in India. I thought to myself, what if we managed to do this in Carlisle!
The first event took place in 2018 and saw over 200 people take part in free yoga classes on the lawns of Bitts Park on a glorious summers day.
The very first thing I needed to do, was find out if anyone would help me teach!
With no budget, Caroline approached fellow Yoga Instructors in the local area to see if they could help out. Explaining the motivation behind her idea:
Yoga has played such an important role in my life. My motivation to become a teacher was to allow others to discover the benefits I was lucky enough to find.
Caroline’s very first yoga class was focused on mental wellbeing for a local mental health charity. The class aimed to create a safe, warm, comfortable environment where people felt able to be themselves and try something new without fear of judgment. Building all her subsequent classes with this ethos, Caroline’s created nano-communities through yoga practice in community centres, workplaces and local gyms.
A sense of community – of belonging – is so important to human beings. It’s in our very nature. It makes us feel safe and supported.
The benefits of yoga practice is well documented – making every day tasks like tying your shoelace easier, improving sleep, focus and concentration through to improving the performance of elite athletes and sports teams. It can be seen as an expensive pursuit however, and something just for people who are already flexible.
My good friend, Martyn Blacklock once said “If you can breathe, you can do Yoga.” And that’s the message we want to get across with Yoga Day.
Yoga Day provides free yoga, meditation and mindfulness classes to the community. With a wide variety of teachers and styles, there’s something for everyone. All ages, abilities and experience are welcomed.
Yoga Day 2019 saw a marked increase in attendance, with 500 people enjoying classes throughout the day. The addition of childrens’ workshops and classes brought extra sparkle and life to the event with whole families taking part together.
Brightly coloured stalls offered local products and taster sessions of holistic treatments and therapies. The Scouts did a brilliant job feeding the crowds from their BBQ tent.
The whole event was an incredible community effort with support from local businesses as well as national and international brands.
16 local instructors gave their time for free, marquees were donated from Story Contracting, Cumberland Building Society, Carlisle City Council and Eden Rivers Trust. Each instructor received Lululemon leggings or were kitted out in Ohmme Apparel. Prizes were donated from Om Magazine, DW Fitness First, local producers and therapists, national yoga equipment websites, HSBC and so many more.
Over £800 was raised throughout the day – the Scouts raised over £400 to support their current fundraising campaign with the remaining donations going towards the future sustainability of the event.
The whole event was made possible with support and funding from Carlisle City Council.
Yoga Day 2020 will be held on Sunday 21st June.
Next year is going to be very special because it lands on the Summer Solstice! Big plans are afoot – watch this space for announcements!! – Caroline